When creating a user, you may run into issues if the user is on the AWS suppression list
Steps to Resolution
This can sometimes occur if the user is on our AWS Suppression List
To check for this, go to Admin > Users
In your browser, right click anywhere on the page, and select "inspect" or "inspect element"
Click on the "Network" tab
Leaving this window open, click the 3 dots next to the user and "Resend Invite"
You should see an API call appear in the list
Click this API call and select the "Response" tab
If this tab shows an error relating to the suppression list, please reach out to support so that we can remove this user from the suppression list. Please provide the email you are attempting to send the invite to.
Outcome: Once our team removes the email from the suppression list, you should be able to resend the invite successfully