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All CollectionsIntegrationsGeneral - Integration
Integrations | Can I create more than one integration?
Integrations | Can I create more than one integration?
Updated over a year ago

Currently, Liongard only supports a single integration per platform instance per Liongard instance.

As an example, you can connect one Liongard Instance to one IT Glue instance, one ConnectWise instance, and one Autotask instance. In this situation, you would have three platform integrations, but only one per type of integration. This is supported.

Liongard cannot support multiple integrations per platform instance per Liongard instance. For example, one Liongard instance cannot integrate to two ConnectWise platform instances.

If this is something that you would like to see in Liongard, please share your feedback using the in-app feedback form found in the Support dropdown in your Liongard.

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